Public Action

The area of dialogue and public action aims to facilitate, promote and influence social processes intended to improve the quality of life of vulnerable sectors of the population, specifically, by strengthening civic involvement and public institutional framework.

Work in the Area of Dialogue and Public Action is from and for the citizens, to the extent that it is aimed at improving their ability to form alliances, influence governance and promote their constitutional rights. In this way, Ciudadanía contributes to deepening citizen-centered democracy, recognizing that citizens are the bearers of democratic values that strengthen a new transparent and efficient institutional framework.

The institution promotes actions that are based on the criteria of integrity, social and economic equity and environmental sustainability. These actions are also guided by relevant information generated by the Area of Social Research and by the application of methods of intervention that come from the staff’s experiences provided by their daily work with the projects and in their interaction with citizens, organizations, private institutions and the State.

Tasks are addressed in an interdisciplinary manner generating knowledge and dialogue and collecting the experience and knowledge of citizens in projects destined to strengthen social, political, economic and environmental citizenship with a focus on inter-culturality, gender and environmental sustainability.

The methods of intervention favor the active participation of the beneficiaries, who join forces to promote citizens’ initiatives that are social, economic, environmental and/or political in nature, whether it is for advocacy, awareness or direct benefit. This form of work makes it possible to achieve concrete and sustainable results.